I didn't know I'd be back that quick..but here I am. I'm on a roll..2009 is my year! I hope I spelled the title of this posting right. It's supposed to be the word for an expansive stretch of land that receives very little precipitation, and not the delicious treat you eat after your dinner. Never know if it's one "S" or two. Anyways, I could look it up but...well, I just won't. These are some backgrounds I did recently for an animation project called "Fraidy Bat". All these images are copyright 2009, Our Children's Friend (All Rights reserved), so don't get any big ideas. Big thanks to Adrian Ropp for trusting me with this assignment! See you guys in blog-land again real soon.
Very nice layouts! They remind me of a Chuck Jones short!
Oh, and here's a handy memory trick: the treat ("dessert") has two s's because you want more. The wasteland ("desert") has one s because it gets little water... and the honeybee ("deseret") has two e's because... uh... I'm not sure why...
Ben, you're a genius!
dude, benner, these are sweet! How sweet? Super sweet.
Beautiful work
make feel like a Road Runner on Desert ...! ;)
Nice Ben, I like the top one. Good stuff
BenR... I didn't realize you were back in the bloggin game! Welcome back... I have missed you.
Tell me where to send a check and I will get it out today... and you can then give me a rough sketch (like that landscape thing in this post) of esquilax practicing in the basement.
http://www.thegameconsole.com/colecovision.jpg - REMEMBER!!
great work dude, love the top one!
This is TIGHT! Ben, don't you think this is TIGHT? C'mon, you gotta at least think that this is a little tight? Hmm...Guess I'm the only one who thinks this is ti...
Desert looks awesome
dude, long time no chat... awesome desert, kinda reminds me of Tremors - but in a good way 'cause there's no Kevin Bacon around.
hahahaha! Ya know, I cant tell if you spelt it right... but thats how I'd spell it - so... yeh. I got cha :o)
Great work by the way, I literally said WOW.. when I opened the page. Your work always astounds me.
Love the style!! These are great!!
BTW, I am passing you a blogger award, please check my blog for TAG. :)
Terrific work Ben! Looking forward to seeing the animation on Fraidy Bat.
Cool stuff and nice warm mood! (ahah!... sorry...) And as Rabidmilkman and Faboun'e mentionned it, it kind of reminds me of Chuck Jones' BG!
By the way, you got tagged!
see you!
This is cool, it has that old Warner Bros. feel.
Amazing works.
Greetings from Brazil.
These are fantastic! Nice work.
these backgrounds are so awesome. i love the colours and all the texturing. you are 'some to the awe.
These are awesome!
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