Monday, January 23, 2006

Ice Cream and Basketball

Here are some sketches I did today. These are fresh folks. Funky-fresh. I slapped some color on these suckas again for fun. Let me know what you think.


Heath said...

Nice designs Ben! Keep it up ma fellow red head!

michael foster said...

very nice. I like how you keep your pencil outlines even for the colored versions.

Katie McDee said...

These are great! I like their personalities and how you modeled them ... great job!

YonderMan said...

haha, hialrious :)

Anonymous said...
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Hans said...

Thanks Ben, you made my day! I'm returning the favor by putting you up on....6...prfffh:D

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

I'm digging the bball player the most great design !!!
thanks 4 the kind words !!

DAGGITT said...
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DAGGITT said...

YOOO man....LOOKS GREAT!! i think it sould use a little more booberizing though! ;)

willipino said...

cool color work. i dig the baller. he's pimpin the old school globetrotter's colors.

Dave James said...

Great characters and I love the spooky cottage.


Jeff Merritt said...

I like the first guys shoes, a little funky.

Kipp Schell said...

ah man these are great!!! love both desgins tons. keep the goodness comin

Shawn Escott said...

Wow! Very impressive work.

Unknown said...

Great character drawings!

Dave James said...


Great message you left at my blog. Funny.

So who do you and Hans work for?


Kipp Schell said...

hey np about the link. u rock!!!

Kyle Marshall said...

love the the legs and feet on the basketball player. Great stuff.

Hans said...

Ok ben, I had to put you on the big 20!!!! Congrats my friendzzeeen and enjoy Canada.

Unknown said...

such wonderful lines you have! Great designs once again. Im gonna have to come up with something other than that to say...sigh keep on crankin em out dood!

Mark McDonnell said...

Nice work.


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yo man - Brad's the name, Brad McLeod.

I was just looking for a reference to use for character rotations. I'm actualy from Canada and I'm currently going to Sheridan College for the Animation Arts Programs.

Just wanted to say you're Layouts are really well done buuuuudy. =D

keep it up man !!!



Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! british columbia junior hockey league

Anonymous said...

58yUPi Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

wbQzTb Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

bsqkon Good job!

Anonymous said...

Good job!